

Courtesy Visit / Overseas Activities

The Transportation Division conducted Inspection Tour in Sri Lanka

On February 15th -17th, the Transportation Division (Chair : Mr. TOKONAMI Kiyoshi, K Line (Thailand) Co., Ltd.) conducted a study tour to visit Colombo and Hambantota in the south of Sri Lanka.??

On the first day, they stayed in Colombo and went to visit Hayleys, the largest conglomerate in Sri Lanka which operated the Hayleys Free Zone and held meeting to exchange opinions with local Japanese businesspersons including Mr. KUTSUKI from Embassy of Japan in Sri Lanka, Mr. OI from JETRO Sri Lanka and Mr. KOBAYASHI, Chaiman of the Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Sri Lanka.?

On the next day, the team drove 3.5 hours to Hambantota to inspect port facilities that were under development including an industrial park and exchanged opinions with port officials.